Academic Success Center
Our staff and student tutors are trained to help you learn how to learn, use resources, get connected, and be a guide for you. ASC services are always free and are available for any student at Bryn Athyn College.
- In-Person Tutoring: In-person tutoring sessions meet in the Academic Success Center located on the second floor of the Swedenborg Library. Walk-ins are also welcome during Center hours (located below).
- Online Tutoring: Online tutoring can be scheduled via the same portal as in-person tutoring. The tutoring session will be held over Microsoft Teams or the WCOnline platform.
Appointments are easy to schedule online. Using the Welcome menu, you will be prompted to set up your profile using your BAC email address. Then simply select the subject or class from the dropdown and choose one of the offered times. That's it, you're booked with no waiting!
Center Hours: We are open for study hall, to answer questions, or take bookings.