Graduate Programs
Bryn Athyn College offers three on-site degree programs, as well as an articulation agreement with Duquesne's The Palumbo-Donahue School of Business and Rosemont College.
On-Site Programs
Our on-site graduate programs focus on special education or religious studies.
- The MS in Special Education with a literacy concentration prepares candidates to support students experiencing a range of learning differences, with an emphasis on addressing the needs of struggling readers.
- The Graduate Certificate in Language-Based Learning Disability and Interventions Studies offers educators the knowledge and skills required to meet the needs of struggling readers.
- The Bryn Athyn College Master of Divinity program is a three-year degree that leads toward ordination as a minister for the New Church.
- The Master of Arts in Religious Studies degree is designed to enable students to study the teachings of the New Church in-depth through part-time or full-time academic study.
- The Graduate Certificate in Spiritual Growth Studies provides students the opportunity to explore spiritual growth from multiple disciplinary perspectives, framed by principles of Swedenborgian thought.
- The Graduate Certificate in Biblical Interpretation provides students the opportunity to explore Biblical interpretation from multiple
disciplinary perspectives, framed by principles of Swedenborgian thought.
Articulation Agreements
Students can choose a track during their studies at Bryn Athyn that can continue to graduate programs at one of the institutions with which Bryn Athyn has an established parternship. Learn more about articulation agreement opportunities.