Kristin King
Professor Emerita in English, Business, and Writing
English and Communications
Dr. King teaches literature and writing. She has published in the areas of Henry James, modern novel, women’s studies, Swedenborgian correspondences, and garden history. Her current research looks at digital literacies and where literary studies and production may be headed in our digital, online age. She believes that great literature, brought to life by powerful readings, hones and enriches our humanity. She enjoys administration and making the case for the liberal arts as powerful preparation for career success and life-long growth. Prior to coming to Bryn Athyn, Dr. King enjoyed doing post graduate research at Christ’s College, Cambridge, and teaching at Bradford College and Boston University.
- PhD, Boston University
- MA, Boston University
- BA, College of William and Mary
- Full Professorship, 2016
- Theta Alpha Presidential Award, 2015, for Presidential excellence and service to New Church Education (first recipient of this award)
- Service Award from the Cairnwood Board of Governors, May 2015
- Recognition from the Academy Board for Leadership and Service to the College and the Academy (engraved silver platter); May 2015
- Tenure, Bryn Athyn College, 2002
- Summer Research Grants, Bryn Athyn College (1999, 2003, 2006)
- Teaching Fellowship, Boston University, 1986‑1989
- University Fellowship, Boston University, 1983‑1985
- Draper Scholar, Christ’s College, Cambridge University, 1982
- Phi Beta Kappa, College of William and Mary, 1981
- Theta Alpha Award, ANC Girls School, 1976
- Five publications in New Church Life (related to BAC presidency) 2010-2015
- BAC Commencement Address, July-Aug 2014
- Boynton Beach Banquet Address, March-April 2014
- Bryn Athyn College: A Crucible Moment, May-June 2013
- Bryn Athyn College Address to Graduates, July-Aug 2012
- Assuming the Presidency of Bryn Athyn College, July-Aug 2011
- “A Bryn Athyn College Education,” Theta Alpha Journal, online (2012)
- Gardens of Heaven and Earth. London. The Swedenborg Society, 2011
- “What Good Is Literature? Looking Back; Looking Forward,” May 2003, Glencairn Museum, Bryn Athyn, PA
- “The Ethereal Milly Theale in The Wings of the Dove: The Transparent Heart of James’ Opaque Style,” The Henry James Review, Vol 21, Number 1 (Winter 2000): 1-13
- “The Power and Limitations of Language in Swedenborg, Shakespeare, and Frost,” Studia Swedenborgiana, Vol ll, Num 3 (Nov. 1999): 1-63
- “Reading What the Theological Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg Say They Cannot Say,” New Church Life (August & September, 1999): 344-360; 392-410
- “Resurfacings of ‘The Deeps’: Semiotic Balance in Marilynne Robinson’s Housekeeping,” Studies in the Novel (Winter 1996): 565-81
- “Writer’s Notebook,” in The Essay Connection, Fourth Edition. ed. Lynn Z. Bloom, Lexington, VA.: D.C. Heath, 1995: 99
- “Reading Women,” in Connections, ed. Sarah J. Headsten and Kara Johns Tennis, Bryn Athyn, PA.: The New Church Women’s Symposium, 1995: 27-38
- “Surveying the Past: Women’s Social and Literary History.” Women’s Symposium, April 1995, Bryn Athyn, PA. in Connections II, Headsten and Tennis editors, Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania, 1995: 263-89
- “Lost among the Genders: Male Narrators and Female Writers in Henry James’ Short Stories, 1890‑1895,” The Henry James Review, Vol 17, no. 1 (Winter 1995): 18-35
- “Millionaires’ House,” in Fact and Artifact: Writing Nonfiction, Lynn Z. Bloom editor, Blair Press, 1993
- “Thinking about Women Thinkers,” Theta Alpha Journal, Bryn Athyn: Theta Alpha International (Fall 1992)
- “Ontonagon,” in The Essay Connection, ed. Lynn Z. Bloom, Lexington, VA.: D.C. Heath, 1984:185-188.
- Five publications in New Church Life (related to BAC presidency) 2010-2015
Areas of Expertise/Interest
- Writing and Digital Literacies
- American Literature
- Shakespeare
- The Novel
- Henry James
- Horticulture and Swedenborgian Correspondences
- Leadership and Administration