Neil Simonetti
Computer Science and Mathematics Department Chair
Professor of Business, Computer Science, and Mathematics
BusinessMathematicsAdvanced Interdisciplinary (ID)
Director of the Interdisciplinary Program
Interdisciplinary Program
Dr. Simonetti’s research focuses on a dynamic programming algorithm for the Traveling Salesman Problem, a classic problem in the field of combinatorial optimization, with applications ranging from scheduling to vehicle routing. He is also very interested in finding the best ways to teach mathematics to students who may have a long-standing “fear of math.” His teaching philosophy is strongly rooted in application, trying to demonstrate how the skills he teaches can be useful. When not knee-deep in numbers and code, he enjoys playing music (piano, organ, guitar, and recorder) for worship services, as well as advising (and playing) with the games club.
- Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University
- M.S., Carnegie Mellon University
- B.A., Virginia Polytechnic Institute
- Selected Publications
- Simonetti, N. Introduction to Quantitative Reasoning. Ronkonkoma, NY: Linus Learning, 2016. Print.
- Balas, E., N. Simonetti, A. Vazacopoulos. 2008. Job Shop Scheduling with Setup Times, Deadlines and Precedence Constraints. Journal of Scheduling 11:3: 253-262.
- Simonetti, N. with R. Cooper. 2008. Ideas for Swedenborgian Mathematical Illustrations. The New Philosophy 111: 587-598.
- Balas, E., R. Carr, M. Fischetti, N. Simonetti. 2006. New Facets of the STS Polytope Generated from Known Facets of the ATS Polytope. Discrete Optimization 3:1: 3-19.
- Balas, E., N. Simonetti. 2001. Linear Time Dynamic-Programming Algorithms for New Classes of Restricted TSPs: A Computational Study. INFORMS Journal On Computing 13:1: 56-75
Areas of Expertise/Interest
- Traveling Salesman Problem
- Combinatorial Optimization
- Data Analytics
- Artificial Intelligence
- Quantitative Reasoning Instruction