Ray Silverman
Professor of Religion
Professor of English
English and Communications
Ray Silverman serves as Professor of Religion and English. He has edited, revised, and authored a number of books, published multiple articles, and has lectured nationally and internationally on theories of Biblical atonement. In addition to Ray’s research efforts, his primary focus is on helping people understand spiritual principles and apply them to their lives. This includes the development of several spiritual growth programs: Rise Above It: Spiritual Development through the Ten Commandments (Touchstone Seminars, 2000); Spiritual Freedom (Farmhouse Productions: 2009), Happy, Joyous and Free (Farmhouse Productions: 2012), and Sunroom Spiritual Growth Groups (2014-2016: https://www.sunroomgroups.org).
PhD, English and Education, University of Michigan
MAT, English, Wesleyan University
MDiv, Bryn Athyn College Theological School
BA, English, St. Lawrence University
- Books
- Editor/revisor of Helen Keller’s Light in My Darkness (Chrysalis Books: 1994, 2000)
- Co-author (with wife, Star) of Rise Above It: Spiritual Development through the Ten Commandments (Touchstone Seminars: 2000, 2005)
- Expanded version of Helen Keller’s How I would Help the World (Swedenborg Foundation Press, 2011)
- The Core of Johnny Appleseed (Chrysalis Books: 2012)
- Co-author (with wife, Star) Rise Above It: Spiritual Development for College Students (Amazon Publishing, 2018).
- Co-author (with wife, Star) A Seamless Garment: A Study of the Four Gospels as a Continuous Narrative (2024) Available online at New Christian Bible Study https://newchristianbiblestudy.org/home
- Selected Articles
- “Welcome, O Life,” a study of James Joyce’s A Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man
- “One Flock,” a study of the anti-sectarianism of Henry James, Sr.
- “God’s Wrath, Jesus’ Love and the Scapegoat Fallacy,” a Swedenborgian understanding of Christ’s crucifixion
- Works in progress
- Rise Above It: Spiritual Development for Couples (with Star Silverman)
- Rise Above It: Spiritual Development for Educators (with Star Silverman)
Areas of Expertise/Interest
- Comparative Religion
- Hinduism
- Marriage Education
- Creative Nonfiction
- Gospel Studies (with a focus on Atonement Theory)