Request for New Church Grant

Bryn Athyn College friends walking

Request For New Church Grant


Baptized Individual*

New Church Grant Eligibility

A student will be eligible for a New Church Grant, which will not require repayment, if:
  • He or she has been baptized into the faith of the General Church of the New Jerusalem or into one of the following sister New Church organizations: The Lord’s New Church (Nova Hierosalyma), The Swedenborgian Church of North America (Convention), the General Conference of the New Church (UK and New Zealand), the Swedenborg Association of Australia, the New Church in Australia, or any other recognized New Church organization; or
  • At least one of the student’s parents is a member of the General Church of the New Jerusalem or one of the sister New Church organizations listed above.
If you are unsure whether or not you meet the eligibility requirements, please contact Financial Aid Office. Please note that we will request corroborating evidence of baptism or membership in New Church organizations other than the General Church of the New Jerusalem.*
By signing, you understand that you meet the requirements for eligibility as described above