Residence Policies
As a member of the Residential Community, all residents and their guests at Bryn Athyn College are expected to adhere to the policies outlined in Student Handbook which are enforced through disciplinary action and system of fines.
Our residence life policies are designed to meet the needs of every resident to the best of our ability, while ensuring the health and welfare of the entire residence community. Even though our staff takes an educational approach to enforcing community expectations, all residence life policies are enforced with a system of fines and warnings. When necessary, additional disciplinary action may be taken to ensure the safety and welfare of all residents.
Residence Policies
It is the student’s responsibility to familiarize themselves with the policies outlined in the Student Handbook before moving to campus. Below is a summary of frequently asked questions about our policies.
As a member of the Residential Community, all residents and their guests at Bryn Athyn College are expected to adhere to the policies outlined in the Resident Student and Student Handbooks which are enforced through disciplinary action. Our goal is to provide each resident with a high quality living-learning environment that promotes an environment of academic success, spiritual and personal wellness, safety, and social engagement within the halls.
As a member of our residence life community, each resident is expected to:
- Promote safety and security. All residents can help to ensure their own safety as well as the safety and security of others by: locking their rooms, closing doors that are propped open, not propping outside doors, avoiding walking alone at night, and reporting any suspicious persons to campus security. Each student shares the responsibility for maintaining a safe and secure campus.
- Consider the needs of others as well as her/his own needs. Living in close proximity to other residents necessitates that each resident respects the rights of others to study, sleep, and be safe and secure.
- Communicate with staff and other residents and to ask for help when needed. If a resident needs assistance, the residence staff and other professionals are eager to assist, whether it is with an academic problem or a personal situation. Other may not always be able to tell, however, when a resident needs help. Ask for help. Effective communication is an important personal and community responsibility.
- Demonstrate a commitment to community. We encourage all residents to get involved to ensure that they benefit as much as possible from living on campus. Attending required residence meetings and taking part in regular cleaning is expected of all residents as members of the campus community. We expect residents to get to know the other residents others on their floor and in their residence hall, and to take part in residence life social activities.
A full list of prohibited appliances and furnishings is available in the handbook. View What to Bring to Campus for a list of the essentials for campus living.
In line with federal and state law, the college prohibits possession, use, sale, or distribution of any alcohol or unauthorized illegal drugs. Furthermore:
- Students of any age may not possess, transport, use, sell, distribute or consume alcoholic beverages or unauthorized illegal drugs either on campus and/or during any off-campus college-sponsored college activity.
- Students may not be under the influence of alcoholic beverages or unauthorized illegal drugs either on campus and/or during any off-campus college-sponsored event or activity.
- Students may not cause or contribute to a disturbance on campus and/or during any off-campus college sponsored activity, whether or not they are under the influence of alcohol or unauthorized illegal drugs.
A student found in violation of any provision of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action and a minimum fine determined by the Director of Residence Life and Dean of Students. In addition, a student may be subject to criminal prosecution under applicable federal, state, and local laws. Please see the Student Handbook for further information regarding our policies including amnesty.
No pets or animals are permitted in the residence halls except for small fish and those with approved accommodations for Service or Emotional Support Animals. Please see Student Handbook for more details about Service or Emotional Support Animals policy and procedure for approval.
First-year students under the age of 20 and whose parents’ homes are too far away from Bryn Athyn to permit reasonable daily commuting are expected to live on campus. After three terms, these students may elect to reside off-campus. All students living on campus must be enrolled as full-time students (minimum of 9 credits per term).
The intent of guest privileges is to allow for reasonable visitation by a resident's friends or family, not long-term or live-in guests. All non-building residents must follow sign in and out procedures of the residence hall they are visiting. Residents should talk to their roommates about guest preferences including those who live within the same building.
Guests of the opposite sex, or anyone with whom the resident is romantically involved are permitted to visit in the public areas (lobbies, Community Room, Childs/Grant Hall Main Floor Lounges) at any time. These guests may visit within the residence halls during the following visiting hours:
- First Year Halls (Copper and Goodenough Halls): Monday - Friday: 6:00 pm – 12:00 am & Saturday and Sunday: 1:00 pm – 12:00 am
- Upperclassmen Halls (Suites, Childs, and Grant Halls): Everyday 1:00 pm – 12:00 am
Overnight visitation is subject to same restrictions as visitation policies and need to be registered through Residence Life to stay on campus.
The Residence Halls are not open for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring Breaks as Residence Halls. If students require break housing based on reasons outlined in Student Handbook, then they must receive written permission from the Director of Residence Life. Cost: $500 per break.
Residency on campus is an academic year-long commitment and residents are responsible for paying for the entire academic year unless they experience a “Qualifying Event”, outlined in the Housing Agreement, and receive written approval of breaking the agreement by the Director of Residence Life.