Internship Guidelines
We encourage all Bryn Athyn College students to consider undertaking an internship sometime during their time here, we also take internships very seriously. An internship is an opportunity to experience a real work environment, and we expect our interns to represent Bryn Athyn College with integrity and professionalism.
All interns are expected to follow the guidelines outlined below.
Have Good Attendance | We ask our interns to maintain good attendance at the field site and to notify the site supervisor of absences. Students should plan to arrive on time, or even early for appointments and scheduled field visits.
Maintain Confidentiality and Professionalism | Interns should treat all information about clients, agencies, organizations, employees, or any other private information that is shared with them as completely confidential. Interns should also dress and behave appropriately for their work environment, and at all times act as a representative of Bryn Athyn College.
Set Goals | Since the main goal of an internship is to learn, interns are expected to create learning goals for their internship that are acceptable to both Bryn Athyn College and the agency employing them.
Analyze and Critique Your Progress | Students are expected to analyyze, critique, and discuss their learning plan and field experience with the appropriate College faculty (and selected other guests) in a Final Presentation at (or near to) the conclusion of the internship.
Keep a Field Journal | Interns should keep a written record of their field experience in the format of a Bryn Athyn College Journal. E-journal entries can be submitted every two weeks to the Director of Experiential Learning throughout the duration of the internship. Every four hours of field work should be accompanied by a journal entry.
Accept Feedback Gracefully | When feedback is given, either from your field supervisor or from the Director of Experiential Learning, interns are expected to accept both positive and directional feedback gracefully and strive to meet expectations.
Report Any Problems or Setbacks | In order to maintain a high quality internship program, we rely on feedback from both field supervisors and interns themselves. If you have concerns, questions, or recommendations regarding your internship, contact the head of your major or your advisor immediately. In the case of an emergency during field work, you should also contact your field supervisor.