Statement from Dan Allen, president of the Bryn Athyn College Alumni Association (BACAA):

“On June 30, 2024, the Bryn Athyn College Alumni Association (BACAA) held its first annual meeting since the pandemic.  BACAA approved the slate of candidates for the Board: Dan Allen (president), Elizabeth Allen, Melissa Bowyer, Amanda Calamito, Jonathan Carr, Nikita Klinisov, Kaye Lermitte, Cullen McNally, Lance Pendleton and David Smith. Tara Fehon serves as BACAA’s Alumni Liaison. 

Dave Cooper (outgoing president) and I spoke about the conditions that created the long hiatus for BACAA - particularly COVID restrictions and turnover in Liaison staff forcing the College administration to focus on other pressing priorities instead of its support for BACAA’s continuity. We spoke about the importance of the BACAA Board’s purpose of building community among the alumni and representing the alumni voice to the College’s administration and Board of Directors.

We dedicated some time during the meeting for feedback from members who attended in person and online. We intend to distribute a survey to members to obtain further feedback about ways for BACAA to better serve the College and its alumni.

Immediately following the alumni meeting, BACAA’s Board met. We elected Nikita Klinisov as Vice President, Amanda Calamito as secretary, and Jonathan Carr as treasurer. We intend to dedicate our meetings over the next several months to restart many of BACAA’s key initiatives, such as its annual scholarship, career support for students and alums, Charter Day event planning, various communication channels to alumni, and the aforementioned survey. 

Remember to renew your $25 annual member dues if you haven’t already done so. Contact the Alumni Association at or 267-502-6040 if you have any questions. Have a wonderful summer.”

From Tara Fehon, Director of Advancement & Alumni Affairs Coordinator: 

"I am thrilled to have this slate of candidates affirmed by the alumni. I am confident that with their presence we will see a stronger connection between the alumni network and the College. I look forward to working with them."

List of Candidates:

Dan Allen (AA ’78): President Pro Temp Candidate; Huntingdon Valley, PA; BS Business Administration: Accounting, Auburn University; Certified Public Accountant; retired Bryn Athyn College Chief Financial Officer

Looking back upon my student/young adult-self, I appreciate how much a Bryn Athyn College education molded my life and my career, by blending spiritual values from the Bible and the Writings of Swedenborg into my courses and extracurricular experiences. I care deeply that BAC can continue to provide this formative experience for its students. The Alumni Association is the nexus for former students like me to give back to BAC current students and to develop stronger connections with other alumni who share that awareness of the tremendous gifts they received from a Bryn Athyn College education.   

Elizabeth “Libby” Allen (BA ’22): Rydal, PA; While at Bryn Athyn College, studied Human Society and obtained a Minor in Art History and Education; currently an Assistant Teacher at Pennypack Preschool and an Assistant Coach at Academy of the New Church Secondary Schools.

Libby wants to be a part of the BACAA so she can give back to the college that had such a positive impact on her life. This small Liberal Arts College was the perfect environment to explore her different loves while being guided by brilliant and passionate professors who went above and beyond what was expected of them. The community of Bryn Athyn is such a special place and she looks forward to being a part of connecting more people to it through the BACAA.

Melissa Bowyer (AA ’09, BA ’11): Bryn Athyn, PA; Studied US History at Bryn Athyn College; was a Staff Writer for the Swedenborg Foundation; currently working towards an MFA in oil painting from Academy of Art (San Francisco).

I loved my time at Bryn Athyn College. I learned a great deal and appreciated the individualized attention, small classes, and challenging academics. I felt my professors were passionate about their subjects and the feeling was contagious. I enjoyed the friendly environment and the exciting travel opportunities (I went to Costa Rica and Iceland with BAC) and had an incredible experience. I will always be grateful for my education and my time there.

Amanda Calamito (BA ’17): Stratford, CT; studied Business at Bryn Athyn College; earned a JD and MBA from Quinnipiac University in 2020; currently an Associate Attorney at Aeton Law Partners LLP.

I want to be a member of the Alumni Association because I take great pride in the core values I learned during my four years at Bryn Athyn College which I utilize every day. I love Bryn Athyn College because I learned valuable life lessons in the classroom and on the court, made some of my best friends, and Bryn Athyn shaped me into the successful businesswoman I am today. I am forever indebted to the core valuable life lessons I learned at Bryn Athyn. I hope as a member of the Alumni Association to grow the association and have a positive influence on the new BAC alumni and current BAC students.

Jonathan Carr (BA ’18): Lithia Springs, GA; studied Business at Bryn Athyn College; earned an MBA from Youngstown State University; currently a Senior Consultant at EY

Bryn Athyn College represented an opportunity for me to “reset”. The challenge presented by faculty, staff, and students to be not only a good student but a good person, and neighbor, led me to finding meaningful purpose in my life. I would like to return what I have been given by serving the current and future BAC students and alumni as a member of the BACAA.

Nikita Klinisovs (BA ’19): Wilmington, DE; studied Business at Bryn Athyn College; currently a National Sales Manager for McClean Solutions.

I am hoping to serve on the BACAA Board because I am passionate about helping to bridge the gap between current students at the college and the expansive and extremely supportive alumni network. As it stands right now, very few students are aware of how incredible the community that supports BAC is, the goal of the BACAA is to change that. From networking opportunities, internships, work opportunities, mentorship, and much more, the community is more than happy to give. As BACAA it is our job to connect the dots. I love BAC because of the incredible people I met while there, the doors it opened for me, and the very versatile degree I received.

Kaye Lermitte (AA ’76): Bryn Athyn, PA; former Advancement Officer at the Academy of the New Church; Board member at the Swedenborg Foundation.

I believe Bryn Athyn College to be the most important institution for young adults to learn about their spirituality and their own personal why. The faculty and staff have integrity and care for their students that is truly exemplary. Navigating life’s challenges at this stage in life can be formidable. At Bryn Athyn College, the students are treated with respect, kindness and understanding. They are seen as individuals and encouraged to be their best selves in their lives. I hope I can help by reaching out to alumni and we can work together to pay it forward so that present and future students can participate in this one-of-a-kind educational experience.

Cullen McNally (BA ’19): Wayne, PA; studied Business at Bryn Athyn College with a minor in Data Science.

Lance Pendleton (attended 1995/1996): Redding, CT; Founder and CEO of PreTSD.

My years of experience working with young professionals has taught me the value of a strong support network when they exit college, and the alumni association is an excellent opportunity for recent graduates to become better involved, grow their network, and give back. Additionally, I would love to get back to a place that offered me my first opportunity to learn about myself and pay that forward to others.

David Smith (attended 1964/1965): Fredericksburg, VA; BA, MS, PhD ABD. Senior Scientist, Federal Bureau of Investigation (Retired); Director of National Intelligence - Science and Technology Fellow; Distinguished Member of Technical Staff - Bell Laboratories; Post Doc Fellowships:  University of California, Irvine; Stanford University - Artificial Intelligence Lab; Instructor of Statistics - Lehigh University

Bryn Athyn College offers a unique gift to students that includes far more than a typical education. It changes lives and provides a guiding foundation for a student’s future.  It is only able to continue this unique educational experience if it remains a strong, dynamic functioning institution.  We all have a role to see that this happens, because we benefited from the College, and we must assure that those who follow are gifted as we were.  I will do what I can to make this happen.

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