This year Bryn Athyn College is holding a career day on Thursday, October 12th in the Brickman Great Hall from 10:30 am-12:00 pm. Called “Majors and More,” the event will provide students with the opportunity to connect with alumni and other local professionals whose major paralleled a specialty offered at Bryn Athyn College (nursing, education, dance, business, biology, etc). Students will speak with alumni and other business leaders/retirees regarding career options in their respective major. Administrators and faculty view this as an invaluable opportunity for students to network and gain insight on the path others have taken to get to their specific career.
To open the program, the College is honored to welcome guest speaker Lincoln Smith, a New Church Society member from Maryland. Smith holds a BA in English from Bryn Athyn College and an MA from the Conway School of Landscape Design. Having started his career path as a planning intern for Natural Lands Trust, he also worked as a landscape designer for Graham Landscape Architecture, where he designed and managed construction of high-end residential landscapes in the Washington, D.C. region and the eastern shore of Maryland. Smith is currently the director and owner of Forested, LLC, where he helps land owners and managers throughout the eastern US create successful production ecosystems.
The office of career services organizes this event, and works to help Bryn Athyn College students and recent graduates identify, create, and pursue careers that will draw upon their talents, interests, and skills while honing their spiritual and moral lives.