Missing Student Policy
Anyone who has reason to believe that a resident Bryn Athyn College student is missing should contact the Department of Public Safety. The Department of Public Safety investigates initial reports of missing students, and will involve or assist the Bryn Athyn Police Department in investigations as necessary. Because student safety is our highest priority, we do not observe a minimum waiting period before contacting law enforcement in the event that a student is reported to be missing. All Bryn Athyn College students are encouraged to designate a confidential emergency contact person by contacting the Department of Public Safety, or by filling out the Emergency Contact Information Form. Students may update or change information regarding their confidential emergency contact person at any time. This information will be stored and maintained by the Department of Public Safety, and only disclosed in furtherance of a missing person investigation.If a brief but thorough investigation by the Department of Public Safety indicates that a student is missing, an authorized Bryn Athyn College official will notify the student’s parents or confidential emergency contact, as appropriate. In all cases, the Bryn Athyn Police will be notified.
To report a missing student, call 267-502-2424 or dial 2424 from any campus phone. View the Department of Public Safety’s Missing Student Policy.