Health Center Counseling Client Satisfaction Survey

Health Center Counseling Client Satisfaction Survey

The Counseling Center staff is interested in obtaining your comments about the services offered to you. Your feedback helps us to improve the quality and effectiveness of the Counseling Center.
Current student year:*
Sexual orientation*
Additional demographic
Please rate your overall distress when you first came to counseling:*
Please rate your overall distress today*
At this time my counseling is:*

Please answer the following (1- Strongly disagree, 2- Somewhat disagree, 3- Neutral, 4- Somewhat agree, 5- Strongly agree)

Counseling appointments have been made available when I needed them*
I feel confident that my counselor protected my privacy*
I was treated respectfully by my counselor*
My counselor genuinely understands my problems, thoughts and feelings*
My counselor helps me think about changes I want to make in my life*
My counselor and I worked well together*
I felt safe and comfortable to talk about my issues in counseling*
My counselor helped me to find my own solutions*
I have learned skills to help me manage future problems*
I could have done more to make counseling more useful for me*
My counselor could have done more to make counseling more useful for me *
I am satisfied with the accomplishments that I made in counseling*
My concerns that brought me to the Counseling Center have improved as a result of the services provided*
My academic performance has improved as a result of my participation in counseling*
My student experience has been enhanced as a result of counseling*
What I have learned from coming to the Counseling Center has led to positive changes in my life*
would recommend the Counseling Center to a close friend with personal problems*
If needed in the future while attending BAC, would you come back to the Counseling Center?*
Please rate your overall experience with the Counseling Center: (1- Very dissatisfied, 10- Extremely satisfied)*