Immunization Policy
Immunization and Exemption Policy For Students
This page provides information regarding vaccination requirements and information around vaccination exemptions.
Required Immunizations for Students
See the the Immunization Record Form located within the full Student Health Information Packet.
Required vaccinations for students:
- Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) (2 doses required)
- Meningitis* (2 doses)
- Varicella** (2 doses)
- Tdap (within the last 10 years)
- Meningitis B (2 Doses) required to live in residence halls
*Pennsylvania Law #955 as of July 2002, requiring all students living in university housing to receive the meningitis vaccine or to sign a waiver of refusal. CDC guidelines require two meningitis vaccines if the first dose was given at age 16 or younger.
**Requires documentation of chicken pox or two Varivax (chicken pox vaccine) vaccines.
Recommended Vaccinations
- Hepatitis B (3 doses recommended)
- COVID-19 Vaccination (including regular boosters)
Tuberculosis Screening
- Tuberculosis screeners will need to completed yearly
- Education and biology majors may need to complete tuberculosis screening by PPD or IGRA lab work before starting their internships.
In the event that the student cannot obtain documentation of immunization, the student will either have to be re-immunized or have laboratory verification of immunity.
Students may request an exemption from vaccinations for medical or religious regions. Those who request exemptions from the Meningitus B vaccination will not be allowed to reside in the residence halls. The student will need to submit a Vaccination Declination Form to be reviewed by the Bryn Athyn College's Health and Wellness Center medical staff. At the time of declination the student will receive fact sheets reviewing the benefits of vaccination.
Medical Process of Exemption
- The student or guardian (if younger than 18) must fill out a Vaccination Declination Form
- The student must attach medical documentation from the health care provider documenting the student specific contraindication to a vaccine and include how the vaccine may affect the health of the student to the college health center for review.
- The College reserves the right in its sole discretion to request additional information or documentation from the health care provider before granting an exemption.
- The student will be notified of the exemption status. Educational materials will be given to the student at that time.
Religious Process of Exemption
- The student or guardian (if younger than 18) must fill out a Vaccination Declination Form
- The student must submit a one page written statement describing what religion they belong to, their religious belief and if they have been vaccinated previously. Written statements of support provided by your religious leader are also recommended for consideration. The statement must be signed by student (or guardian if the student is less that
18 years old) Bryn Athyn college reserves the right to ask for additional statement
or materials of support.
- The statement will be reviewed by the College Exemption Comittee and the student will be notified of the exemption status. Educational materials will be given to the student at that time.
As a reminder Those who request exemptions from the Meningitus B vaccination will
not be allowed to reside in the residence halls.