Electronic Resources
The Swedenborg Library subscribes to a number of electronic resources to support students, faculty and patrons in their research and education.
To access these resources, you will be required to login through OCLC’s EZProxy using your campus username and password. Please contact the Library circulation desk or the BAC Helpdesk if you need assistance.
- Birds of the World (BOW)– A powerful new resource that brings together scholarly content from four celebrated works of ornithology—Birds of North America and Neotropical Birds with Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive and Bird Families of the World into one rich and colorful hub where you can find comprehensive, authoritative information on birds.
- Credo – an online library that provides access to the full text of hundreds of highly regarded and popular reference titles. Entries are enhanced with images, sound files, animations and videos.
- Encyclopedia Britannica – a multimedia encyclopedia and dictionary.
- Gale – provides access to two collections: Eighteenth Century Collections Online, a full text database of books, sermons, essays, and other works published in the 18th century, and Academic OneFile, which includes citations, abstracts, and full text of English and foreign-language works in the subjects of philosophy, science, medicine, religion, the arts, history, geography, and law.
- JSTOR – collection of academic journals, primarily in the arts and sciences.
- New York Times – All students, faculty, and staff of Bryn Athyn College have free access to the
digital edition of The New York Times newspaper. Set up your personal account by visiting
the NYT Website You must be on campus when you set up your account. After that you can read the Times
from anywhere with any device! However, you must cancel any paid subscriptions to
the NYT in order to take advantage of this. For questions, please contact Carol Traveny
at carol.traveny@brynathyn.edu
- PsycARTICLES – full text of nearly 80 landmark journals in behavioral science and related fields ranging from education, to nursing, to business, to neuroscience. | Learn from tutorials on how to use this resource.
- Science Direct Health and Life Sciences – access to books and journal articles in the biological sciences.
- Statista – find statistics, consumer survey results and industry studies from over 18000 sources on over 60000 topics on the internet’s leading statistics database.
Open Access Resources
- The Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) – The world’s largest open access digital library for biodiversity literature and archives.
- Congress – The official website of the United States Congress, providing comprehensive information and resources related to the activities of the Legislative branch of government.
- Digital Public Library of America – An all-digital library that gathers catalog records from libraries, museums, and institutions around the country so you can easily search millions of records at once.
- The Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) – A comprehensive, easy-to-use, searchable, Internet-based bibliographic and full-text database of education research and information. ERIC is offered free for public use by the Institute of Education Sciences at the U.S. Department of Education.
- The Library of Congress – The largest library in the world with millions of books, recordings, photographs, newspapers, maps, and manuscripts, including extensive digital collections.
- Medline Plus – As a service of the National Library of Medicine (NLM) Medline Plus provides easily accessible, high-quality health and wellness information to the general public.
- NCBI Bookshelf – The National Center for Biotechnology Information provides free, online access to books and documents in healthcare and the life sciences.
- Open Access Digital Theological Library – The OADTL curates open access, high-quality content in religious studies and related disciplines from publisher websites, institutional repositories, scholarly societies, archives, and stable public domain collections.
- PA Navigate – A statewide resource to connect PA residents to social services, sponsored by the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services. Enter your zip code to identify local community-based organizations (CBOs) offering free or low-cost services for a variety of issues. The site can be used anonymously or with a self-created account to save your activity.
- Public Library of Science (PLoS) – As one of the pioneers of the Open Access movement for scholarly publishing, PLoS is dedicated to accelerating progress in science and medicine through improving access to research.
- Pro and Con – A non-biased information source that presents sourced pros and cons of debatable issues and includes thoroughly researched and relevant reference information.
- PubChem – “PubChem is an open chemistry database at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). “Open” means that you can put your scientific data in PubChem and that others may use it. Since the launch in 2004, PubChem has become a key chemical information resource for scientists, students, and the general public.”
- PubMed Central – (PMC) “is a free full-text archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health's National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM). PMC serves as a digital counterpart to NLM’s extensive print journal collection.
Bryn Athyn’s online Moodle site allows students to access power points, class notes, and other course materials.
Carol Traveny |